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 | Oramin-G soft capsule contains Korean Ginseng extract to provide body with all essential vitamins and minerals. |
Kind of ginseng | Korean ginseng | American ginseng | P.notoginseng | P.japonicum | Botanical name | Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer | Panax quinquefoius L. | Panax notoginseng (Burk)F.H,chen | Panax japonicus C.A. Meyer | No. desaponinas | 31 | 14 | 5 | 8 | Main cultivation area | The Korean Peninsula | Wisconsin and Virginia states of the US, Ontario and Quebex states of Canada | Yunnan and Gunagxi Provinces of China | All areas of Japan |
Korean ginseng contains rich saponin called Ginsenoside. This ingredient activates the functions of human body’s components as well as strengthens immunity. |
| CNS suppression (Panax Diol class) | Ginsenoside-Rb2 | Anti-diabetes mellitus, lower cholesterol, Promote DNA, RNA synthesis,Stimulate secretion of ACTH, corticosteroids | Ginsenoside-Rd | Stimulate secretion of ACTH,corticosteroids, Inhibition of histamine release,catecholamine secretion | Ginsenoside-Rh2 | Promote DNA, RNA Synthesis, Stimulate secretion of ACTH, corticosteroids, Inhibition of cancer cell proliferation | CNS stimulation (Panax triol class) | Ginsenoside-Rf | Inhibition of lipid peroxidation | Ginsenoside-Rg1 | nti-stress effect, Improve immunologic function, Improve learning and memory | Ginsenoside-Rg2 | nhibition of platelet aggregation, Improve learning and memory, Plasmin activation | Oleanolic acid class | Ginsenoside-Rg0 | Anti-inflammatory effect, Inhibition of platelet, Activation of macrophage, anti-hepatitis effect |
Ginseng stimulates secretion of insulin and contains active ingredients with insulin-like activity. It also lowers high blood glucose level and control enzyme activities related to sugar metabolism in animal experiments. |
Ref) (1) Sotaniemi, E. A., Professor, Dept. of Intern al Medicine, Uni versity of Oulu, Finland. Diabetes Care 18: 13 73-1375 (1995 ). (2) Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, September 2005, 26 (9): 1104-1110 |
Ginseng induced no significant change in blood pressure in those subjects with normal blood pressure. |
Ref) (1) The Ginseng Review 9: 15-20 (1992). (2) The Ginseng Review 24: 104-1 06 (1998). |
The cancer risk and cancer-related death rate were inversely proportional tothe frequency and duration of ginseng use. |
Ref) (1) Yun, T.K., Ph.D., Department of Cancer Pathology, Korea Atomic Energy Hospital. Cancer Detection & Prevention 6: 515-525 (1983); Cancer Detection & Prevention, Suppl 1: 301-309 (1987). |
Ginseng stimulates sexual functions. Ginseng can be taken for a longer period of time without side effects. Furthermore, ginseng plays a beneficial role in alleviation of underlying disease. Although Korean Red Ginseng’s mechanism of action on erectility is not clearly understood, recent in vitro and in vivo experiments supported that ginseng extract and saponin relax corpus cavernosal smooth muscle. |
Ref) (1) Choi, H.K., Professor, Department of Urology, Yonsei Universi ty Male Clinics, Severance Hospital, Yonsei University. Impotence Research 7: 181-186 (1995); J. Urology 162: 1508-1511 (1999). |
Ginseng improved mental and intellectual performance in people. Ginseng extract and ginseng saponin improved memory acquisition, physicalperformance and learning disorders, and confronted loss of memory in amemory-damaged animal model. |
Ref) (1) Nam, K. Y., Dr. Division of Ginseng Pharmacology Research, Korea Ginseng & Tobacco Research Institute. J. Ethnopharmacology 66: 123-129 (1999). |
It was found that ginseng saponin stimulated protein biosynthesis and liver cell regeneration. Ginseng saponin alleviated liver cell necrosis induced by various toxic chemicals and protected the liver by activating enzymes involved in detoxification of xenobiotics. |
Ref) (1) Koo, K. H., Professor, School of Medicine, Hanyang University, Korea. Korea J.Ginseng Science 7 (2): 125-132 (1983). (2) Lee, J. Y., Dr. Division of Ginseng |
23 taxi drivers who were administered Korean Red Ginseng powder in a controlled crossover with placebos and fatigue-related parameters such as sleepiness, concentration and local discomfort in the body were monitored. This result suggests the clinical usefulness of Korean Red Ginseng for the control of mental and physical fatigue in the workplace. Prevents fatigue in healthy or the elderly persons; improves work efficiency ; helps maintain healthy life by alleviating psychosomatic stress; strengthens non-specific resistance, e.g., infectious diseases. |
Ref) (1) Kubo, M., Professor, College of Pharmacy, Kinki University, Japan. The Ginseng Review 21: 17-20 (1996). |
With no side effects in spite of long period of medication Korean Ginseng improves post-menopausal disorders such as flushing, cold in hands and legs, sleeplessness, nervousness, dizziness, ovarian dysfunction |
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